Biden and the Dems Destroy

3 years ago

Joe Biden and the Democrats continue their destructive ways. With the help of hapless and largely worthless Republicans they are ramming through a 1.5 trillion supposed infrastructure bill that has only about 110 billion for actual roads and bridges, if that. The rest is for expanding the welfare state and paying of cronies. Such evil. And soon the Demon crats will introduce a 3.5 trillion spending bill that further tightens the grip of socialism on the country with a small down payment on the totally corrupt Green New Deal. Our country is being destroyed from within by evil people who want to end the country as founded and transform it into a socialist utopian "paradise." These Democrats are no different from the members of the old Soviet politburo, they want to control the masses and get them to permanently vote Democrat. And again, the Republicans are putting forth very little resistance. The country is in a very perilous state and very few are speaking out. The country is being destroyed from within. Elected Democrats are more dangerous to the country than Communist China and terrorism. The Democrats are destroying the country as founded, and thus destroying the country. It is a fight every day to save the country from these evil people, but that is what it will take, along with prayer. There is no compromising with these people, they have to be defeated. There is no doubt the Democrats want to drive all opposition out of existence and make the country one party rule like nearly all of the big cities. That is a major reason Biden opened the floodgates to the southern border. He is getting them here, many infected with the China virus, and then sending them to red states to spread the infection to harm red state governors, and to eventually illegally vote Democrat for their welfare pittance that will also be provided by our tax dollars. It's an invasion from the southern border being led by the fraudulently elected President. One of the gravest times in U.S. history.

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