Gospel of Love Video Series (43) - The two commandments come together

2 years ago

How exactly should we be treating other children of God? It states in Matthew 7:12, “In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets.” Now some people wanting to do good to others have put all their emphasis on Jesus’ second commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But there is a tendency to forget the first commandment. People forget Jesus’ first and foremost instruction, upon which the second one is based upon. Jesus Christ said, “My second commandment is like unto the first that you love your neighbor as yourself. As much as you love yourself, as much as you care about yourself, you should care about your neighbor.” (Matthew 22:39). You care about yourself; you should care just the same amount for your neighbor. You should care the same amount that you care about yourself, your own future, your own happiness; you should care that much about others. But Jesus is saying it is like unto the first commandment. In other words, if you love God, you will love others. It is not possible that you can just love others without loving God.

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