Right to Correct Mistakes August 3, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

2 years ago

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Right to Correct Mistakes August 3, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

We all have the absolute right to correct mistakes, so long as we recognize that we made a mistake. This is a case in point.
I have just been informed that various State Assemblies have "signed on" to "State Charters" ---- one thing that a valid State Assembly can never do.
I am admittedly frustrated that this has happened in view of the many times that I have explicitly told everyone that our State Assemblies are unincorporated, therefore, not chartered in any way, shape or form.
Let me reiterate for (it seems) the thousandth time:
State Maryland
State State Maryland State
The State of State The State of Maryland
the State of State the State of Maryland
Maryland, in the example above, is a State. It is free, sovereign, independent and never incorporated. The Maryland Assembly populates this State of the Union.
Now look at the next entity, which has been the cause of the present confusion--- the entity called "Maryland State". Notice that this construction is odd and it sounds like there is something missing ---- Maryland State WHAT? This is the Maryland State Trust that was formed by the Territorial United States Government after the Civil War, to contain all the assets of the State while the State Government was "absent" and "in interregnum".
This is how the British Government pretended to have a custodial interest and also has pretended that we are all "Wards of the State" and of the Queen.
Some of our Assemblies and Assemblymen have made the mistake of signing these State Charters and unwittingly subjecting themselves (again) as property belonging to the State, but being "administered" by the British Territorial Government.
In other words, they fell into the trap again.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/08/right-to-correct-mistakes.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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