Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin - Coronavirus Pandemic—Daily Report with Rishi Desai, MD, MPH

3 years ago

Dr Rishi Desai, MD, MPH explains why Hydroxychloroquine combined with Azithromycin does yield good results in the fight on Covid19.

Yet, we know that Hydroxychloroquine has been side-lined by the WHO as a medical treatment option after trials used 2000 daily doses as oppose to 200. Wrongly concluding that the problems was not in the doses but in the heart problems it created. That's what you call getting rid of the treatments to make way for the only narrative - the vaccine as the only solution.

11 Apr 2020

Phizer alone has reaped $3.5 billions in the first three months”, while Government put in the funds to produce it. – NYtimes, 4, May 2021.

It is projecting to make $50bn by the end of the year.

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