#ExposeBillGates Addiction, Suicide, & the Mushroom Healers! F*ck Bill Gates! Ovid/Sheep Virus

3 years ago

You gotta get ANGRY!! Not angry about getting cut off in traffic, or whether or not your favorite sports team won, but angry about being a SLAVE! Angry about global child sex trafficking rings! Angry about untested, unproven, incredibly rushed mandatory vaccines! Angry about your favorite restaurant & small business going under! Angry about all of the deaths of despair from suicide & drug overdose, which according to the CDC, has now surpassed the amount of death from the Ovid!

Get angry that agenda 21 & agenda 2030 are bearing down on our necks! Get angry that cops are totally out of fucking control, but don’t let white billionaires manipulate you into destroying your neighbors small business that they worked their whole lives for! Get angry that AI & blockchain & 5G have created the infrastructure for a total mass surveillance, total control grid! Get angry that they’re attacking our food supply, & our ability to grow our own food! Get angry that you can be arrested for not wearing a mask, while Fauci isn’t wearing his at a nationals baseball game, that you can’t even go to!

If we don’t wake up now, there will be no tomorrow!
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