3 years ago

In this video-based podcast episode, I discuss the vaccine mandate and how it is tied to destroying American jobs that we have left that people are employed with and to generate more covid variants as vaccinated individuals create new variants as they contract new covid cases and spread the more potent mutated version to others with much great danger and lower recovery rate. Hence, why NYC is pushing for vaccine mandates, so we can have COVID for the next 100 years until it gets so potent that it exterminates all of us, which is why they want to vaccinate everyone so no human is left to fight the virus which is the vaccine itself. Don't allow yourself to be guinea pigs my patriots and stand on your ground and make sure your choice matters just like black lives matters choice does in America. The mandate is enforced to destroy U.S. Economy and Capitalism and leave an economy and workforce that is super left-leaning or sick which they can easily manipulate and control while America turns full-blown Socialist and Communist under Fascist Authoritarian One Party System aka Socialist Democratic Party Far LEFT. We Must Be Vocal Now, Since There is No Later When America is GONE. Enjoy!!!

Love You All
- Ari Gold

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