If you celebrated “freedom” this past weekend, YOU’RE part of the PROBLEM!!

2 years ago

Bizarro world “Independence Day” weekend recap...

If you were celebrating “America” & “freedom” at all, you’re clearly not paying attention & are just part of the problem!

Let me be clear, I have no issues with people celebrating & enjoying their weekend, my issue is the people celebrating “freedom.”

Being told what to do with our bodies & our own health is NOT freedom, not even a little. And frankly, it’s not FUCKING fun for me, to go out & be told what I can & can’t do, & to pretend like this is all perfectly normal, cause it AINT!! Not even a little. I did have fun walking the beach by myself, swimming in the ocean, & enjoying time with my friends on my terms, not anyone else’s.

Obeying these ridiculous, bizarro world, Orwellian, & tyrannical edicts of an obviously corrupt & sick group of people (mostly pedophiles whom rape & traffic children with impunity) we call our government & Big Pharma, Bill Gates funded “medical experts,” will only lead to the end of humanity as we know it, & the END OF AMERICA!! Yes, Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 is a real documented plan by the UN, who’s plan entails many sinister things, one of which is the destruction of America as we know it-this is no conspiracy, so please just look it up & stop calling me a fucking “conspiracy theorist” (a term weaponized by the CIA to thwart & marginalize inquires into the JFK Warren Commission).

If we keep complying with this insanity (ie wearing a mask while you wait in line for a restaurant or get carded at the bar, only to be allowed to take said mask off 2 seconds later once you walk in), like that’s even doing anything, where will the madness end?

Right now it’s “no mask, no service.” And since everyone is just obeying without question, what’s to stop them from instituting “no vaccine, no service.”

I refuse to go into any business still requiring people to wear masks that we now know absolutely 150% negatively affect our health. This was just a small place in Maine, but if there are some establishments not requiring them, then other business owners can, & MUST, also join them & take a stand for fuck sake.

However, I do end this video with a good story & some hope, so stick with me til the end.

Let’s cut the horeshit, start pushing back & standing up for ourselves & our neighbors, & cut the fucking shit with mask shaming & ratting out individuals & businesses who are simply trying to live their lives & do it freely.

This is still America (for now)!

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