URGENT WARNING! Covid Vaccine, the Apocalypse, Prophetic Dream, ect

3 years ago

Very important information about the mark of the beast, the end times, the covid vaccine, a prophetic dream about the mark of the beast, ect



SESSION 1 : https://rumble.com/vkmpfy-doctors-for-covid-ethics-symposium-session-1-the-false-pandemic.html




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In this video at about the 9th min, I had a "slip of the tongue" where I accidently said the disciples didn't pray. Of course they prayed and of course I know they prayed. It was just a slip of the tongue. Sorry about that! I mean to say that they don't fast, not that they didn't fast and pray.

One of the purposes of this channel is to encourage, exhort, and warn God's people.
I pray this video does that in your life. I pray God uses this channel to wake people up out of a lukewarm state and into a life of holiness and full surrender to God by His GRACE and through faith in Him. Without holiness, no one will see the Lord (Heb 12) don't be deceived "he who PRACTICES righteousness is righteous...he who sins is of the Devil.." (1John3:7). God will free you from sin and transforms you by His power if you will FULLY surrender your life to Him. Repent, be baptized, and be filled with the Holy Spirit and follow Jesus all your days!

1. God created the world perfectly and created mankind to be in communion with Him. God is holy and good.
2. Mankind rejected God and was separated from God because of sin and rebellion against Him. Man became enemies of God because of wicked works.
3. Everyone has sinned and cannot be reconciled to God with his own merits. Even all the righteousness man tries to do is as filthy rags before a holy God. So man is destined to hell because of sin and there is nothing man can do to save himself from God's wrath against those who choose to follow sin.
4. But God, being rich in mercy, saw the state man was in and even though we were enemies of God, He sent His Son Jesus into the world to save us from sin.
5. Jesus was God in flesh and came down to earth born to a virgin. He never sinned. He came to save us from sin and show us the way of salvation. He taught repentance, He was baptized, and He was filled with the Holy Spirit. He healed the sick and cast out demons.
6.Jesus had never sinned but the world hated Him and persecuted Him and tortured Him and nailed Him to a cross. Jesus freely allowed them to do this because He freely gave His life in order to save mankind because of His great love. He took mankind's sin apon His shoulders and took the penalty of sin apon Himself.
7. Because Jesus had never sinned, death could not hold Him and Jesus defeated death and was raised to life again 3 days later.
8. Now we have the way of salvation. We must believe on Jesus Christ and what he did for us which if we TRULY believe we will surrender our lives to Him. This happens when we repent, (choose in our hearts to turn away from sin and turn towards God) get baptized, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Then God's power frees us from sin and empowers us to live a holy life as we daily abide in Jesus. We need to continue in this hope and endure to the end to be saved.
9. Now we are His disciples and we go out and and make disciples. We preach the Gospel, heal the sick, and cast out demons just like He did. And we teach them to obey all that Jesus commanded.
10. One day Jesus is coming back to earth and will judge the world in righteousness. The Kingdom of God is coming and we must be ready.

May God bless you!

My email is mikayla.kooper@outlook.com

If God puts it on your heart to support us as we seek to serve the Lord:
Thank you!

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