Prayer, Protests and Power To The People

2 years ago

Audio Podcast Version:

As many kids, children and teenagers are heading back to school this week, their parents are out in the streets fighting for their rights and freedoms. You've got the CDC and the NIH now pushing to vaccinate the 15-17 year old population, and this comes off the heels of even more devastating information relating to the lethality surrounding the jab. To say we're in a fulcrum of instability would be an understatement.

You see, many are waking up to the reality that the virus itself isn't as lethal as the chemical concoctions they're foisting onto the people, and because of this inverted truth, many are rebelling. So, like any master manipulator, the establishment is trying to further incapacitate the population by mandating them to roll up their sleeve and show fealty to these pharmaceutical companies. In this transmission you'll hear me pose the question, "Why are we letting pharmaceutical companies dictate to us what our medical policy should be?"

While the question itself is rhetorical, the implications of it shouldn't be. We know why pharmaceutical companies are dictating medical policy - Because there's no money in a cure, and as I've said throughout the entirety of the "pandemic", "The shots will be free because the treatments won't be." People are waking up to the fact that they've been hoodwinked, the only real question is, "Where do we go from here?"

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