The Famine of Hearing

2 years ago

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Lately a thought entered into my mind about who is really hearing the Lord? For days that thought grew stronger and stronger until it entered deeply into my heart. I thought about how many spend time with the Lord, reading their bibles and staying connected with Him. But there is a tidal wave of grave scenarios upon this land and more are coming swiftly. Because of these things, people are glued to their laptops, cell phones, and pouring over videos and shared articles regarding these catastrophic events. So what they have read in the word, become quickly vanquished.

It says in Amos 8:11-12, "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it."

In many places throughout the Bible God speaks of things like sin and rebellion coming up to full measure. Even the measure of our days and years on earth. He has a point where that measurement reaches full capacity. One of those measurements typically have to do with the end of a civilization. The Israelites gave up hearing the voice of God at Sinai. They gave up hearing the judges appointed by God. They gave up hearing the prophets. Then four hundred years of silence was imposed on them. They did not hear God's voice speaking to them at all for four long, dark centuries.

After those four hundred years, they refused to hear Jesus. After the set up of the New Testament Church after Jesus died, and rose again went into heaven, until now, people have refused to listen to the Holy Spirit. They have taken everything for granted. Their salvation, their ease of having the word at their finger tips, and every kind of religious accoutrements. The finest educations, spectacular buildings and world wide ministries. I believe this world has reached it's famine-imposed initial stage.

When you think about it, hearing is everything when it comes to a thriving, living relationship with God. Most especially now that it is the end of time (the Church Age), and great distress is coming upon this land. Make sure you are one of those upon this earth that are not partakers of this famine of the hearing of the word of the Lord, it will literally mean your very safety, survival and care.

"The word that cometh out of Christ’s mouth is the daily manna of our heavenly life, and it behooves every Christian, however feeble or however strong, to keep the word of God with all his might against all comers, since it is his life." ~C.S. Spurgeon

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