What Max Bernier NEEDS to hear. Gilly Davis & VOTW August 2, 2021

2 years ago

Gilly Davis, author of WEXIT: The Reluctant Rebellion, discusses the state of the political 'right', particularly a couple of newcomers. While the second part of this interview asks Maverick members 10 Vital Questions, this portion concentrates on Max Bernier & his People's Party of Canada.

Since Max's own members don't appear to have any input, vote or contribution other than financial support, we ask some tough questions about how successful this model might actually prove to be.

For the record, this interview is published prior to any announcement of a Canadian federal election, if indeed there is to be one in 2021.

My bet continues to be NO unless the Supreme Court upholds the sanctity of Parliamentary Privilege forcing the Trudeau Liberals to reveal the truth concerning what happened in the Winnipeg Manitoba virology lab that led to the sudden departure of two Chinese Communist Party scientists.

Is Canada partly complicit in the development and engineering of COVID-19?

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