Kamala: Why Don’t People Like Me?

2 years ago

Why doesn’t anyone like Kamala? With Today’s Americans for Limited Government Minute. I’m Catherine Mortensen. To try to answer that question, a group of Democrat women political strategists gathered for a dinner last month in D.C. According to Axios news the group was comprised of former Hillary Clinton and Obama advisors. No one from Harris’ office was present for the dinner but “Harris confidant Minyon Moore” attended, according to the report. The group discussed best practices for fighting back against negative perceptions of Harris, as she has suffered a series of political setbacks in the first six months of the Biden presidency. The group also complained that coverage of Harris reminded them of the coverage of Hillary Clinton which they perceived as sexist.
Polls show Harris as the least popular vice president in modern history.
Damaging leaks about her office mistreating employees previously emerged in the media, fueling concerns of infighting and sabotage. It’s not complicated. People don’t like her because of her Marxist ideology. For more check us out at the DailyTorch.com

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