The US Isn't The Freest Country But It Is The Greatest Country n The World - Tucker Carlson

3 years ago

Sad truth...

"So I read the following. And I want to read this slowly for those of you who don't have English as a first language, so I want you to catch every word. And those of you who are from America will understand why it was the funniest thing I've read this year. And I'm quoting in Orbán's Hungary, more than 90% of the media is controlled by the ruling party. Businesses are physically and legally harassed, if they don't tow the party line. Election, listen, this gets better, elections are manipulated, and my favorite, party leaders are mysteriously rich. And I thought to myself, wait a second, that sounds familiar. I live in that country. I live in a country where over 90% of the media are aligned with the ruling party. In fact, I've worked with the only mass media outlet in the entire country of 340 million that is not aligned with the ruling party. You watch CNN, which I believe is available here. And I think they may be here today. Welcome CNN. I worked there for many years. And you will never hear a single word on CNN that deviates from the party line coming from the White House of the United States, from the Biden administration. That's exactly right." - Tucker Carlson

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