A must see, John Quade Hidden truth about this De Facto Military Government

2 years ago

I have many good videos that helped me to become Lucid and see clearly that we are under a military attack and have been since 1861. Only private individuals can end this nightmare that far too many have come to accept as normal and okay. The truth is these cops and Military personnel have zero legitimate authority to do what they do and technically, legally and ethically speaking THEY ARE THE REAL ENEMIES, TERRORISTS AND CRIMINALS!! Using their legal dictionaries and Case Law we can easily see, deduce and infer a
this fact that they do not want realized by the masses. please, let me help you see it all clearly..... I have much more evidence to support my claim, just ask. Its far past time to rally, plan and take bold and morally upright action to end the suffering of so many innocent beings who have an inherent right to life and freedom but have never even comprehended it or experienced it. The Synagogue(Jewish congregation) of Satan(Latin word for Adversary) who hide in secret societies are behind and within all Governments. Government means Mind control and it is the Craft of secret societies to use good men and women as instruments in their diabolical and nefarious plan to Dominate this reality by force and without right or title. Feudal Usurpers is what they are. Lets end this madness.

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