Tobogganing through a city - are you crazy?

3 years ago

My friends and I visited Funchal, capitol city of the Portuguese Island of Madeira, where our main intent was to ride toboggans. Really!

This totally unique tourist attraction got started way back in 1850. The people living “up” in the city of Monte, needed a fast and easy way of getting themselves and their goods down to the big city of Funchal below. So they came up with a very unique solution to the problem. They decided to SLIDE down!

Of course, the invention of the automobile overtook the practicality of the toboggans many years ago, but the tradition lives on as an attraction that brings thousands of tourists every year. Everyone wants to try the exhilarating and unusual experience of sliding quickly down the narrow, winding streets to Funchal.

Each toboggan car is made of eucalyptus wood and wicker, and has a two-person upholstered passenger seat built on two wooden slats. (The seats are padded which is much appreciated on the somewhat bumpy ride). These cars glide down the pavement on wooden runners, pushed and steered by two men called “Carreiros,” traditionally dressed in white cotton clothes and straw hats. The drivers grease the slats with tallow to help them slide. There are two holes at the ends of the slats, called muzzles, where rope is inserted, with the ends coming out of each muzzle. Not exactly precision steering, but it works!

An ‘old-fashioned’ toboggan ride. - careening through city streets - pushed by strange men at wild speeds. With people and vehicles randomly appearing here and there. Sure. Completely safe. :)

The 10-minute downhill ride is very picturesque, offering views of the sea and the island neighborhoods you zip along for a total trip of about a mile and a quarter. The toboggans can reach speeds of just under 30 mph! Don’t be alarmed, but our friendly “Carreiros” have only their rubber-soled boots to use as brakes!

People always talk about tourist attractions that “cannot be missed”, but this really is one of those, because you will not find this particular experience anywhere else in the world!

It’s adventurous while at the same time, relatively safe. (Careening through city streets people and vehicles randomly appearing here and there…I did say “relatively” safe :)

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