3 years ago

In my area (GA), there are many clouds that look like mythical beings. (Seeing imaged in the clouds or in other things is called pareidolia). These shots were taken from 2019-2020. Color filters were applied to some of the photos &/or some of the cloud photos were flipped or rotated TO ENHANCE THE IMAGES, for perception clarity.
Although many of the images seem to be of a spiritual nature, this is completely unintentional by this amateur photographer.

• An Lounging, Smoking Man
• A Man Looking into the Skies
• An Owl
• An Eagle Flying Through a Storm
• Shirley Temple or an angelic child
• Jesus in the Clouds
• An Asian Dragon Head
• An Ominous Dragon
• A Horned, Impish Creature in Flight
• A Praying Lady &, in the Distance, a Listening Angel
• "The Jumping Horse of GA"
• Two Running Horses or Two Pegasus'.

Per a Bored Panda article: "Our tendency to see faces or images in random objects, such as cloud formations, is called pareidolia. Renowned astrophysicist Carl Sagan theorized that this hard-wired tendency evolved as a way to quickly identify faces at a split-second (even in poor visibility), allowing us to identify them and judge their emotional state in the blink of an eye."

Thank you for watching!

Music: Natural Beauty
was provided by the
video app: SCOOMPA.

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