Bring zee bong along trippy visuals

3 years ago

#4.59am #5amclub #bongtime #rewards #weedgirls #weedporn #weed420 #weedhead #weed #weedchick #weedgirl #stoner #stonerchick #stonersrock #earlystart #didntsleep #housework instead #sativa #indica #hybrid #hybridstrain #pothead #potheadsuniteforgood #potheads #chillaxto #wakeandbake #baked #cooked #stoned upto the eyeballs #psychedelicvisuals .. been a while since I shared bong time I've had other important things to post but tonight all night I smoked a few puffs of meth and mainly weed I cleaned the house and did like five loads of washing dried it and folded it now I'm relaxing with a bong and early morning coffee ... Feeling rather good fresh and happy for once .. really enjoying jamming with hobbo too guitar can be alot of fun aswell as drums .. so just enjoying my time lately chilled jamming smoking drugs and being creative myself .. so yeah .. here is a late 4.20 bong now I've sat down to chill .. enjoy the visuals .. psychedelic trippy as fuckers ... Especially the flame and smoke ... Mclovin it !¡!🪴🪴🪴 Zee herb is zee word .. you can smoke dope and still be a giant dorky nerd .. and not follow the crowd and herd .. chains and links this current societal system stinks .. perhaps I'll join the outlaw bike club the finx .. nah my soul is not for sale .. coffin hammering in nails .. yeah they want lower class kids to end up dead or in jail .. what a systems fail .. police parole and bail .. and deceptive lies and secret blackmail.. enough said I'm in over my head .. do you even understand what you just read ??? As long as the third world begins to be fed I say end the banking cartel the fed (federal reserve Bank) central bank in every country except a few whom they declare war upon .. it's the Rothschild's banking cartel empire built on paper and ink bullshit .. knock the house down I say .. equality and fairness and a society where everyone can be trusted because it's equal and fair .. society has set us up for a downfall .. pathetic arristocrat bullshit .. and caspar is so proud to be royalty fucking scum parasites of the earth .. I'm disgusted in that Ellie Goulding .. filthy HYPOCRITICAL blind dumb sheeple bitch .. and now she has bred with the devil .

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