Parents Need to Abandon the Idea of Reforming Our Public Schools.

2 years ago

About Lt. Col. (Ret) Ray Moore
Lt Col Ray Moore

Director & Founder, Exodus Mandate
Chairman of Public School Exit
Retired Military Chaplain
Homeschooling Pioneer
The nation’s leading advocate of a mass exodus of Christian children from the government schools.
Author, Let My Children Go
Moore's latest film, Escaping Common Core
Executive Producer, IndoctriNation.
Graduate of The Citadel in Charleston, SC
E. Ray Moore, Th.M., is an Army Reserve Chaplain (Lt.Col. Ret.), and veteran of the Gulf War I which he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. He is a graduate of The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, and Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. He is president of the Board of Directors of Frontline Ministries, Inc., a Columbia, South Carolina, based ministry that focuses on promoting spiritual renewal in society and the church. He is director of the Exodus Mandate Project. He is chairman of the Christian Education Initiative (CEI), and

E. Ray Moore (Chaplain, Lt. Col. USAR Ret.), has served for over forty-five years in pastoral ministry as a campus pastor, a congregational minister, an Army Chaplain or Director of a Christian ministry. Additionally, he has served as a campaign consultant or staff for several major political campaigns, including former Vice-President Dan Quayle’s first Senate race in 1980, former Congressman Mark Siljander’s first Congressional race in 1981 and Pat Robertson’s Presidential Campaign in 1986 to 1988.

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