2021 AUG 04 CoV19 Vaccine Lies People get paid to impersonate healthcare workers scare people to VAX

3 years ago

MICHELLE RHODES TikTok [@rhodesmichelle.1105] reports: People getting paid to pretend they are healthcare workers and scare people with Covid Vaccines Propaganda on their TikTok channels


THE SCUMBAG’S (LOW LIFE CRIMINALS)? For me it’s (i) The impersonator (the low life) who’s willing to lie and deceive people into getting an experimental vaccine which has injured millions and killed 100’s 000 people. (ii) The Vaccine Companies Directors and Management (the low life) who are paying for this false marketing (deceit) (Lies) (Propaganda) Criminal Activity

A JUST RESPONSE TO THESE SCUMBAGS IS: Nuremberg 2.0 Charges and Trial

ORIGINAL SOURCE: TikTok @rhodesmichelle.1105 https://www.tiktok.com/@rhodesmichelle1105?lang=en

ORIGINAL SOURCE: https://www.tiktok.com/@rhodesmichelle1105/video/6992338968981409029

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