God gives me the tools to overrule (piano punk, coffee shop after hrs)

3 years ago

the fainting goat coffee
i like this little setup here
will it stay? no.
this happens all the time, batteries always fallin out
that angle was actually good but i am a woman so we are never satisfied
all these cars are annoying me, i wish they'd crash already
getting randomly inspired is pretty cool
example right here
maybe that flying object was a sign from God telling me to stop, i dunno
it's up to me to make this world disappear
create sumin better than what's here
there's nothin else but my art
no solution but the one i read about in the Scripture
people are too stuck in their ways
...but i beg to differ
maybe those things are right for them in ways that i'll never understand
that's gotta be okay (God makes it okay)
mosquitoes w/ wizard juice, sci fi shit right there
this world is kinda fun right now
if you don't look at this like it's a challenge you will be defeated!
Jeremiah, chapter7
the crises at the border
scripture makes sense outta everything in this world
and God's wrath...

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