E57 Boiling the Frog: wokeness and the "Great Reset"

2 years ago

There are two things happening right now in America that should be cause for concern. It's similar to the analogy of boiling the frog; if the heat of the water is turned up too quickly, the frog will jump out of the pot; but if the water's temperature gradually increases over a period of time, the frog may not recognize it's boiling until it's too late to escape...
The two things I'm referring to are; what in my view looks like a well planned effort to to tear down the US, and the desires of the global elite to bring about the "Great Reset". It seems like there are forces in and outside of our country that have been working behind the scenes to undermine our republic and in the world of covid, now are making a full court press to do serious damage to our way of life, and hopefully it’s not too late; like the analogy of boiling a frog, imperceptible increases in temperature of the water until it boils and it’s too late to escape. Enjoy!

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