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FEMA camps in Germany

3 years ago

" FEMA ,, camps .. Germany to Place Quarantine Flouters into Detention Centres, Camps
Germany will put those who ignore quarantine rules into detention centres, including at least one repurposed refugee camp in the state of Saxony.

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Ez már nem egy összeesküvés-elmélet❗️
Ez a valóság❗️ÉBRESZTŐ❗️
Internálótáborokba ( FEMA táborok ) küldik a németek azokat, akik nem tartják be a karanténszabályokat
( https://www.origo.hu/nagyvilag/20210119-internalotabort-epitenek-a-nemetek-azoknak-akik-nem-tartjak-be-a-karantent.html )
Fear of FEMA camp | Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

“FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations ..

he story reported that between 1982 and 1984, Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North had helped draft a secret contingency plan to suspend the Constitution in the event of a national crisis, such as nuclear war, violent and widespread domestic dissent, or national opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad. .... The plan was written for President Ronald Reagan in case he ever wanted to take such action. The newspaper also obtained a copy of a FEMA official’s 1982 memo that it reported was similar to a paper then-FEMA director Louis Guiffrida had written 12 years earlier. In the 1970 document, Guiffrida reportedly advocated martial law in case of a national uprising by black militants and the transferring of at least 21 million “American Negroes” to “assembly centers or relocations camps.”

Popular Mechanics magazine debunked some of the FEMA camp lore last year. An aerial photo, for example, of what supposedly was a detention camp in Wyoming was shown by the magazine to be a North Korean prison camp. And the 500,000 plastic, air-tight coffins supposedly stored in Atlanta, perhaps to bury plague or biological warfare victims? That was about 50,000 polypropylene burial vaults manufactured by a company for routine use in preventing the collapse of burial plots. But facts like these have not slowed the conspiracy theorists.

Ultimately, belief in FEMA detention camps requires one to conclude that nobody has ever escaped from one and told their story. It means believing that not one camp worker has breathed a word about his or her job. It requires assuming that not one of America’s 100 senators or 435 congressmen knows of the camps or, if they do, none is alarmed enough to call for hearings. It means believing that not a single ambitious journalist connected to a national media outlet has delved into this dastardly plan. And it requires one to assume that such innocuous things as the “FEMA Trucks” signs at the Maxwell AFB — in plain view of thousands of motorists — actually betray a terrible secret.

( https://www.acacamps.org/about/partners/business-partners/fema )

( https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/rumor-control )

( https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/02/why-concentration-camps-are-still-with-us )

( https://www.fema.gov/locations )

( https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1tPP8ZPTKSH4_r65x7Gspa2Ulsjw&ptab=2&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&ll=39.583250534242154%2C-106.59311648649879&z=4 )

( https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2010/fear-fema )
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" Deep State ,, szabadkömüves tulajdon a világban mainstream media (főáramu média) 😢😥😰😭😡 Deep State >> emberek tömege, általában a kormányzati szervek vagy a katonaság befolyásos tagjai, akik vélhetően részt vesznek a kormányzati politika titkos manipulálásában vagy ellenőrzésében ...

a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.


  • 0/2000
  • Round up your government and put them in the camps.

  • Pshhht Germany up to their evil again

    1 like
  • Another BS video. Any prison look like this one. Common Man!! Be real, I know their plans, but they're not that stupid to expose themselves like this. Don't worry, the poison shots pushed on dumb ass people will do the job. In Canada alone, "Unknown" cause of death rose from: 2k in 2019 to 16k in 2022. Now about the ones that the Woke doctors, evil ones, diagnosed as just heart attack, Stroke, Nevermind the Phentanol and suic8de cause by this Satan pushing ideology transgenderism. Pay attention what ever you go, malls, supermarkets, streets, Dr offices, how many pregnant women do you see? Compared to prior 2018. You may starting see pregnant males. And that will help us that try to hide our beer bellies.🤣