Mushroom Photography and Fungi Time-Lapses

2 years ago

What secrets about the world do various species of fungi hold? By using time-lapse technology, a never before available peek into the life of mushrooms can be seen.

Listen up to learn:

How mushrooms can be used worldwide
The techniques used to best capture the details of mushrooms
The problems faced when trying to find fungi

Nature photographer Stephen Axford joins the podcast to discuss his work photographing fungi and using time-lapse techniques to explore mycology's more deeply detailed world.

Mushrooms are often overlooked in their awe-inspiring beauty and complex communication networks. Yet, by examining their development and taking the time to view them, new insights can be gained, and a glimpse into their extended set of uses can be broken down.

Mushrooms are the masters of symbiosis, and therefore can be a gateway to view many fantastic relationships and organisms with fungi as a part of their everyday existence. Moreover, since there are estimated to be around six million varieties of mushrooms, they have the potential to fascinate researchers for decades to come.

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Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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