Shark Hole Night Dive, Bermuda

3 years ago

An incredible dive! It was a dark and stormy night so we decided to dive Shark Hole in Bermuda which is sheltered from the wind in Harrington Sound. We saw some pretty amazing sights and interacted with many creatures of the depths such as Puffer-fish, Jellyfish, Hog-fish, Spider-crabs, and two very curious green sea turtles who wouldn't leave us alone and kept coming back for back rubs for at least 10 minutes. The small translucent and nearly invisible jellyfish with the long tentacles was one of many we discovered at the site's maximum depth of 20m after a searing burning sensation was felt on the only exposed skin on our faces (lips around our regulators). Ouch! The turtles were pretty small. I wonder if they hatched in Bermuda or swam up from the Caribbean. Not sure.

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