WND Exclusive - Art Intimidates Life

3 years ago

There’s a saying, “Art imitates life,” or is it “Life imitates Art?”

Well since life comes first, I guess it is correct to say that art imitates life. And as was written some years ago, “Art should imitate life, including its diversity.”

I suppose I can agree with that. If diversity occurs naturally in life, it should be imitated in art.

But like a lot of words these days, the word ‘diversity’ has been effectively hijacked by the left. Oh, the dictionary definition hasn’t changed, but the real world perception of the word now means only one thing. When we hear the word diversity, we think of skin color, and I guess to a lesser extent, gender. The broad meaning has all but vanished.

Another thing that seems to be vanishing are white actors in commercials...

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