8-5-21 Cuomo Impeachment Inquiry 'Nearing Completion,' State Assembly Says,

2 years ago

Cuomo Impeachment Inquiry 'Nearing Completion,' State Assembly Says
Michael Gold and Luis Ferré-Sadurní
The State Assembly’s impeachment investigation into Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is “nearing completion” and the body will soon consider “potential articles of impeachment” against him, the chair of the committee overseeing the inquiry said in a statement on Thursday.

After Joe Biden Negates Property Rights, Liz Cheney Focuses on What Truly Matters
This week, the Biden administration, in direct defiance of the Supreme Court’s warning, had his CDC issue an extension to the eviction moratorium. After over a year of stealing people’s property with no recourse or due process, Washington politicians and officials looked at the situation and demanded more cowbell. You know, because it’s not like property rights are foundational to the United States of America or anything.

Family pursues new legal front against police defunding after son slain in Texas gang shootout
Relatives of Douglas Kantor to sue Austin, Texas, claiming politicians can't be immune from the 'intentional' act of defunding.



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