2 years ago

In a small court case to fight a covid social distancing ticket, Patrick King subpoenaed the chief medical officer of health for Alberta, Deena Henshaw, and forced her to admit they could not isolate the virus, and therefore it did not exist.

Once Patrick King got that on record, the govt tried to counter with "well, the science doesn't matter..." lol. The result? Alberta was forced to relax its quarantine measures. Hinshaw told a news conference she was scaling back the focus on COVID-19 so resources could be deployed to tackle other respiratory illnesses that are likely to climb in the fall.

"COVID is not over, we just need to integrate how we manage it into how we manage other illnesses as well," she said, while urging Albertans to get the jab. No mention of the Court case that forced her hand.

In the meantime, Patrick King has been censored on all platforms, including Google. He explains what went down in this interview with Stew Peters.

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