Healthiest Breakfast Ever Mark 2. Hypernutrition juice, making it.

2 years ago

This juice has 116 medicinal, health giving benefits! Don't believe me? Watch this video and the companion videos "the studies" and my "aminos" video. Every. single benefit is substantiated with a study from a medical journal.

This juice, unlike the mark 1 version with carrots is fine for tanners

I show you how to make my Healthiest Breakfast Ever. 63 medicinal, health giving effects! Each one is substantiated by studies. There are a further 53 medicinal, health giving effects from the amino cocktail added to it.

See my Healthiest Breakfast Ever - Mark II: the studies/intro. where I walk you through all the studies.

Note: Granny Smiths are the best apples for juicing. Unless you are using the Rolls Royce of juicers - a Norwalk, softer apples tend to turn to apple sauce and block the juicer. If you are in the UK do not use South African or South American Granny Smiths (or any other fruits from those countries) because they will have been irradiated and will cause you harm instead of health benefits. European fruit in general is not irradiated, mainly because the German public will not tolerate it. French Granny Smiths are becoming harder to find as the UK transitions away from the EU. European pears are still common in UK supermarkets (July 2002) so use those instead. (Avoid anything Dutch, they irradiate). Juice them while they are still hard. In the US Granny Smiths are mainly grown in Washington State. I don't know if they are irradiated. If you know, please leave a comment. Don't use imported apples from South America. They will have been irradiated. Granny Smiths are widely grown in New Zealand and Australia. I don't think those domestic crops will be irradiated. Unless we do something about it irradiation will become the norm. It is already impossible to find out what has been irradiated and what hasn't.

See my video: "Irradiated foods - good news for Big Pharma

The Seignalet diet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") is all about healing your leaky gut to prevent and reverse disease by eating only foods which our stone age ancestors would recognise. Use this juice as an adjunct to the Seignalet diet. It will heal your gut fast! As your gut heals, your immune system's "oral tolerance" to pathogens which have previously penetrated the gut wall and found their way into your cells and the spaces between the cells will diminish and it will go into overdrive cleaning house. In addition to healing the gut fast, the black radish in the juice will stimulate bile to detox your liver so that the toxins released from your cells are released into the intestine and quickly eliminated in your stool.

I should tell you that around 30 to 60 minutes after drinking the juice you will need to poop even if you have done that already. This is due to the bile release and peristalsis (wave like contractions of the intestine) that the juice causes. Just so you know. ;-)

The juice will make you feel great but you might still be a bit peckish an hour after drinking it. In which case have some fruit or some dates (food combining style) to tide you over till my :"Healthiest Lunch Ever" which ideally should be eaten around noon.

My channel is mainly about the Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay" diet and vitamin d from supplementation or exposure to the sun or a tanning bed. I think that if you use both you will be pretty well immune to disease. See all my videos to see how I can substantiate that statement.

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You might also want to find out more about Dr. Jean Seignalet (pronounce it "Shon Saynyalay" and his diet by visiting my website.

For that sweet spot of optimum vitamin d without toxicity you can buy my tanning bed which hangs on a door here:

I made around 20 videos in the past year. Each one has been a labour of love but each one has meant time away from my day job. It represents at least £20,000 in lost revenue. If you would like to make a contribution so that I can afford to make more videos,

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