3654, Was The NYT Bribed by China? 3654

2 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on COVID.
We have known for at least a year that COVID was being used by the Desperados for their own political purposes, but even we could not have guessed that the biggest newspapers in this nation were not just following their political instincts, they were outright taking bribes to ignore the dirty secrets that China was desperately trying to hide about the origins of COVID-19.
Tucker Carlson exposed the fact that the New York Times has deleted from its website every story and advert that was pure political propaganda paid for by Communist China. We applaud he and his researchers for this great service to the United States in this, its darkest hours since the Civil War.
It runs about 15 minutes as is, so I’ll limit my commentary until a later time on this crucial subject.
Don’t you love to see the boss act like a boss? Anyway, the coup is rapidly coming apart, but for the short term, the danger to channels like ours, is increasing.
So I’m cutting this report right here and asking you to mosey over to our BillStill.tv channel to see the excellent additional 11 minutes of this report.
This is the procedure which we have been advised to follow by the Republic Network to keep this channel safe for the time being.
We already have one strike for daring to publish a World Health Organization press release. We can’t afford another one.
Hopefully, the big social media will soon see that this isn’t working and start to relax their censoring and return to the search for truth, which is the only way that freedom can be preserved.
Please go to www.BillStill.tv now and look for number 3654b.
I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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