how the aether power systems work

3 years ago

I have NO energy!
I eat until I'm full, 20 minutes later I'm 'hungry' again, even though my stomach hurts it's so full!
WHY do we get 'hungry'?
Our body needs ENERGY.

"What you have, is 4 capacitors in a cell-like structure. It's my theory, the capacitors are the cell membranes & the coil is probably DNA. I have a feeling that's how nerve fibers work & that's how life itself develops energy from the Ether & Scalar Fields." ~Eric Dollard & Chris Carson.

I feel so DRAINED no matter how much I eat, yet I'm still 'hungry'.
Food's not only NOT giving us the ENERGY we need, it's poison! In turn, we buy & consume more, making name brand companies' wallets fatter, we get sicker, making Big Pharma's & the medical conglomerates' wallets fatter.

The REASON to suppress Nikola Tesla, goes MUCH deeper than 'Free Energy'.
It spans into BIOLOGY / physics / metaphysics.
These monsters are keeping the people sick via food, for profit.
I cry cuz I know this is true.

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