Army Men: Air Attack | Plastic Pandemonium | Level 1 | Co-op

2 years ago

So basically like I said in the last Army Men video's description, I'm gonna be playing through as many of the Army Men games as I can (if not all of them) and then move on from the games entirely. Being able to say I've played through most or all of these games on YouTube/Rumble would be pretty cool, I feel like.

My brother is on the left and I'm on the right.

My brother and I decided we would record some co-op Army Men playthroughs and we started with this game. Like I mentioned before, the plan is to record Army Men: Air Attack 2 as well as Army Men: Green Rogue. Air Attack 2 will be recorded for sure at some point but we don't know about Green Rogue. The ROM we have doesn't work so we'll need to find another one elsewhere and hope that one works instead. So TLDR, we may or may not be able to do a co-op playthrough of Army Men: Green Rogue. We'll see.

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