why Trudeau Liberals will win 🏆 in a Landslide Victory ✌ #liberalvictory2021 #liberalsnapelection

2 years ago

Liberals continue to hold lead over Conservatives
The Liberals continue to consistently show a lead over the Conservatives in national polling, with enough support to potentially put them in majority territory — or just short of it. The numbers for the New Democrats are higher than they were in 2019, though the party is still well back in third. The Bloc Québécois is holding most of its vote in Quebec, while the slide in support for the Green Party continues.
How many seats could each party win
The Liberals are straddling the 170-seat mark needed for a majority government and their likely range of seats puts them comfortably ahead of the Conservatives, who look likely to lose seats — potentially a dozen or more if an election were held today. The Bloc is in a good position to retain the seats they won last time, while the New Democrats could win enough seats to make them the third largest party in the House of Commons, ahead of the Bloc.

What are the chances of each party winning
Probability of the Liberals winning a majority

Probability of the Liberals winning the most seats but not a majority

Probability of the Conservatives winning the most seats but not a majority

Probability of the Conservatives winning a majority

How support breaks down across the country
The Liberals hold leads over the Conservatives in Ontario and Atlantic Canada, the Bloc Québécois in Quebec and the New Democrats in British Columbia. The Conservatives are ahead only in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The NDP's strongest support is in B.C., but the party has also ticked over the 20 per cent mark in Ontario and the Prairies. The Bloc continues to hold second spot in Quebec, while the Greens are not scoring double-digits in any region of the country.

#liberalvictory2021 #liberalsnapelection

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