I’m being throttled here’s my proof!!!

2 years ago

Please help me all I don’t care about money I don’t even want you to like me I don’t even want you to subscribe just share my message of hope in this dark time please for the love of God listen to me people! No more links to donate nothing I don’t wanna thing I just ask you to do something nice today for somebody you don’t even know! Make a change make a change now before it’s too late find God get supplies make sure your family safe! Do what’s best for you you decide how you want to live don’t ever let anyone else tell you what to do our Constitution and Bill of Rights will protect you!

I also want to let you know that a lot of people still don’t understand how the settings work on here heck I’m still figuring my way out that video as terrible audio with the Awesome I will encounter I mean you can’t make this stuff up fog so I’m seriously having some stuff happened and you need to pay attention. At any rate on your player whatever you’re watching Rumble YouTube etc. there is a settings tab that you can click and you can look and see what the video quality is it might not be completely uploaded into 4K yet but you can select the best quality so if you’re having video issues or picture it issues check that out the audio in that previous video is shot I don’t know that’s the first time I’ve ever used Rumble’s camera might be the last because I actually there’s with some price of stuff to actually happen and it was sad that is now nine and not in existence but I also know that God is leading me and that’s probably what he wanted to show so just know that I was talking to that bird the whole time and when you see him go and get his food and fly back up to me he looks right in my eyes and And crunch is that for all to see!!

Walk with me folks I will show you the Way!

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