Kids With Speech Delay, What Can I Do (Part 2) #parenting #specialneeds #awareness

3 years ago

GIFT for you :
GIFT for you :

9. Get Down to Your Child’s Level
Your child will gain more from your interactions with them if you are down at their level. This means getting down on the floor and playing. I know this can be hard for some parents.

10. Choose Toys Without Batteries
Toys with batteries can get quite annoying. And for toddlers, the sounds that these toys make will not enhance their learning.

11. Expand and Add Language
If your toddler is starting to use some single words, expand on what they said and add more language.

12. Take a Step Back
Try not to dominate your child’s playtime. Take a step back and watch what your toddler is doing and then wait some more.

13. Let Your Child Lead
Your child may be interested in things that aren’t of much interest to you. You may try to steer them towards a toy you feel they should be playing with, or an activity you believe would be better for them.

14. Skip the Academics
A toddler does not need to work on academic skills. What they do need to work on is developing play skills.

15. Read to your child daily!
Find simple yet engaging books. But stay away from e-books for children of this age group.

16. Ask Questions (but not too many)
Ask your child questions to keep the conversation going, but don’t ask too many. You don’t want to come across as a drill sergeant.

17. Use Routines, Songs and Finger Plays
Some childhood routines you may be familiar with such as peek-a-boo.
A routine basically has certain steps that follow an order and can be repeated many times.

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GIFT for you :
GIFT for you :

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