03/2017 Field McConnell: Serco’s Stranglehold on the US military [The Industrial Military Complex]

2 years ago

911, Child Sex Trafficking, SERCO Whistleblower & Military Tribunal Witness, Field McConnell

John B Wells Caravan to Midnight March 2017 Interview:
In this edition we at long last welcome Field McConnell on board. John and Field speak for over two hours on several important topics ranging from 9/11, Serco’s stranglehold on the US military, the BAR Association, International Child Sex Trafficking, John McCain and Mitch McConnell, to the joy of flying different types of aircraft and more!


Eisenhower's Final Address

SERCO, a Subversive Threat: https://truthbits.blog/2019/09/24/serco-a-subsersive-threat-to-america/

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