A Medicine To Save the Lives of Those Injected With the EXPERIMENTAL Covid-19 Vaccines.

2 years ago

This is my briefing to humanity, concerning the short and long term Health Consequences of Those Who Received The EXPERIMENTAL Covid-19 Vaccines, and the "Divine Grace Medicine" I developed that needs Testing and Eventually Development, to save Lives.

At the end of the video, you are welcome to read my letters addressed both to:
the Director of the World Health Organisation and the Secretary General of the United Nations, in regard to eradicating Covid-19 on the face of the earth.

Details in the video.

Please share, if you do care about the survival of humanity against Covid-19, and now with the EXPERIMENTAL Covid-19 Vaccines forced on humanity.

Christian Bernard Magnongui
Independent Pyramids, Obelisks and Climate Change Researcher at
Emails: classicalmusicforchildren@gmail.com
Tel/Messages: +1-631-540-5810

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