"Jab/Variant Review and Jesus is LORD" - Stone Faith Patriot - 08-03-2021

3 years ago

In today's video I do a quick review on the jab and on the so-called "Delta variant", and also give a reminder of the good news of Jesus the Chriat and that He is LORD of all. It's a beautiful day in the Ozarks today!
God bless you all through Jesus!

Special Musical Credit for the background music goes to the Rock 'N' Roll Worship Circus with their song, "Forgiveness", from their LIVE at TOM Fest album. The album was recorded in the Columbia River Gorge at the Skamania County Fairgrounds in Stevenson, Washington - 1999.

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#RockNRollWorshipCircus #WorshipCircus #LIVEAtTOMFest #Forgiveness #TheShinyThings #PNWMusic #MusicThatMatters

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