2 years ago

From Lads Talk Health

A slightly different topic today, however, this is a topic that we both dived into years back and we both credit this to a big part of our spiritual journey

Question everything is something we encourage everyone to do, spirituality for us, is finding our own truths, based on how we feel.

We spend so much of our lives seeking things from the external world, when all of our health, happiness and feelings come from within

We are not here to preach or tell you how things are, we are explaining how many of the topics we discuss do not add up, especially when it comes to things we are told as facts.

Our ask is to be open to a different perspective and to check into your ego whilst watching this. Please take the time to answer the questions yourself. At first it will seem madness and stupid, however when you look into the official narrative and try to challenge it, its hard to find your simple answers.

Although this may seem off topic, it has fed into many other areas of our life.
ie the Pharma industry are certainly not here to protect us and when working with terminal illnesses, it is important to find your own truth and not just accept, what we are told, it can be a matter or life and death.

What this topic also does is allows you to start connecting all areas of your life and learn about so many other areas.

Enjoy and let us know your thoughts.

#flatearth #truthseeking #questioneverything #ladstalkhealth #spiritualawakening #spirituality

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