2 years ago

improve stress by facing it head on

The things that bring us stress, overwhelm, anxiety are usually things that we shy away from

This video discusses how we can really make big changes to our life by going back in the past to learn from our experiences and to face them

Lots of our stresses can be accounted to past memories and experiences along with future thoughts that have not even happened yet

When we let things build up without giving it attention, we can find ourself in a place of overwhelm and often feel stuck

PAst thoughts are attached with emotions which all reside within our body. If we ignore issues and try to forget about them, it’s like leaving the gas on and over time we leak energy. Initially we may not notice to much, but over time these feelings can turn physical and that’s when suffering shows itself

We have a way of ignoring our problems however by identifying what is holding us back and sitting with this, can really bring a new level of awareness to our lives

When we bring awareness to topics, we can soon make some powerful changes to provide an outcome to serve us. If we leave and hide away from our stresses, in time this will come back round to catch up with us

The key is to remember. “Our past does not define us”. Take the past moments, bring them into the present and then find some teachings and meanings to them

What do you ignore or forget or hold onto that brings you stress?

Tasks that need to be completed
Things that other people do or say
Replying to emails
Answering phone calls from pwople we don’t want to speak to
Our health
Credit card statements

Write down on a bit of paper, all the things in life that is bringing you stress right now... remember the past we learn from so let go of any attachment from it.

Notice what comes up for you

Thank you for watching
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