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3 years ago

Rachel Varga BScN, RN, CANS is a Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist since 2011 with over 20,000 procedures performed, an international clinical trainer for other Physicians and Nurses, celebrity skin expert featured on Bulletproof Radio, Ask the Health Expert Podcast with JJ Virgin, LIVE with Dr. Kellyann Petrucci and Naveen Jain and more! Rachel is also a speaker and a 4 time academically published award-winning author in the field of plastic and aesthetic nursing as well as an executive board member and peer reviewer for The Plastic Surgical Nursing Journal. Through education on skin care, skin and laser rejuvenation, non-surgical solutions, healing lifestyle, and biohacking practices, Rachel helps inspire others with her unique toolkit to navigate and strategize aging impossibly well – using the Holistic SCIENCE of BEAUTY at where One on One sessions for at-home and in-clinic skin rejuvenation are available.
#health #detox #skinissues #wellness #diet
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