Michael Vass 2010 speech at TEA Party rally, Broome County New York

3 years ago

NO Soundbites Allowed - August 21, 2010 - Excerpt -

"...While we are not at war with Congress, make no mistake we are engaged in a battle for America. A battle that requires we first know our Rights and we are determined to make a difference. Thus we are enacting our Rights to Speak and Assemble, in the face of media criticism and scorn from entrenched elected officials, because we do not agree with the direction Congress is taking the nation....

But we can change this scenario. We can end this cycle of broken campaign promises and political party agendas. All we need to do is what we are doing. We are standing up and using our Rights. They are the most powerful tool we have along with our votes. Our Rights and votes combined ensure that the most entrenched, the most deaf to our concerns, the most special interest supported elected officials cannot maintain their granted power...."

Full Transcript at http://www.mvass.com

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