Stream of Random S3E 412-416

2 years ago

Table of Contents
1. STREs3e412
2. STREs3e413 Usability of Mathmatics!
2.1. Listened to my own podcast.
2.2. Listening to lex friedman #204
2.3. What if I had to think about things before I said it.
2.4. Rock bottom
2.5. Idea for QR code
2.6. Cottage Bakery NJ
2.7. What do we need to produce Kombucha
2.8. Alcohol importing business
2.9. Short episode
2.10. Galileo experiement
2.11. Tree fell on neighbors house.
2.12. Catching catfish with a limb line
2.13. Viral video with threed stuff
2.14. Miss our talk.
2.15. Viral video
2.15.1. Have enought random recordings
2.15.2. If I was famous
2.16. Question of rotation
2.17. cost of post production
2.18. Pendulum
2.19. Internal vs External thoughts
2.20. Transcription
2.21. Furniture
2.22. Wrap up.
2.23. Cambodian developer wants 6k USD per month.
2.24. Describe what you want to do
2.25. Math is not usable
3. STREs3e414
3.1. NPR's Stream of Random brought to you by Pfizer
3.2. Random Thoughts
3.2.1. Science center
3.2.2. Tornado
3.2.3. Names :
3.3. Production Notes
3.3.1. Editing notes
3.3.2. Types of content
3.3.3. Lamenting not being famous
3.3.4. Reordering of the clips
3.3.5. QR codes
3.3.6. Editing notes
3.4. Topical Notes
3.4.1. Alerts on phones are like mind control
3.4.2. Screaming youtubers
3.4.3. Absnasixpack
3.4.4. Yeast living in the body
3.4.5. Leaky Gut and Fungus
3.4.6. SCOBY
3.4.7. Mushroom Revival Channel
3.4.8. Enjoy the slience
3.5. Obese children police in AU.
4. STREs3e415 NPR Stream
4.1. Personal Life
4.2. Process of Podcasting
4.3. Random events
4.3.1. 1999 Zenith TV
4.4. Topics
4.4.1. Kombucha
4.4.2. Math
4.4.3. Computing
4.4.4. Mind
4.4.5. Life
4.4.6. Science
4.4.7. Fungus
4.4.8. Podcasting
4.4.9. Pokemon
5. STREs3e416
5.1. Personal Life
5.2. Process of Podcasting
5.3. Topics
5.3.1. Math
5.3.2. Fungus
1 STREs3e412
People will not recognise this as a podcast. Does not have the high quality yet, but we are working on it. I actually have somehting to share today, so I sat down, and as I say, I think yesterday, If you are stuck trying to get someone elses program to work, maybe it best to (re)write it yourself, So I took this module. that was not working with typescript

and I just imported it into my program and I used emacs, the error correction system, Tide - TypeScript Interactive Development Environment for Emacs To fix up the errors and I learned a lot in the process. So now I have gotten to level one, I have taken a step up on Typescript, Reactjs and THREED Js I am quite happy with that. I was able to get the range slide to work. I have link to my code above. I still have to do a write up and create a video and make it more appealing and usable, which I think it will be the animation part where you can custom animations that you can change yourself. I am really happy with my progress. I was feeding the baby, watching my son, and trying to juggle all these things to get it done.

I was spending so much time struggling with all these tools.

Finally for publishing there is webpack, which can not only run your code but also distribute it.

For building we use `.\nodemodules\.bin\webpack` build and for running

`.\nodemodules\.bin\webpack serve –mode development –hot –env development –progress –stats`

So I have not gotten the automated publishing working just yet but I am making progress on that as well.

So things are moving along, yeah, thats it!

So let give you a reminder of what it does, So its called threejs-math I will put a link in the shownotes. in the code branch.

But it basically gives you an array of points that you can rotate in real time. And you can adjust the size in x,y,z and a couple of different parameters and they will change right when you make the change so you can experiment with different 3d effects. Now the one feature that I want is to be able to type in the number as well, and I want a reset button.

Look at these plums growing on this tree here, that is crazy. A reset button to reset the rotation to zero. So, Crunch, I guess me eating plums does not make for really good podcasting, but they are really good plums.

So my son said to my wife that he wishes that I would think about him as much as I think about Kombucha. I guess he is feeling a little bit jealous that I am obsessing over Kombucha right now, because I am thinking about creating a product. I am also thinking about business plans, I got some books from the library on business plans.

And they basically say that a Bus. Plan is basically a simulation of your business where you can make mistakes before they get expensive, you think things though. That is where I am thinking, well the hard part is to get people to try it and also to keep it's shelf life, because Kombucha does not really hold that long, I guess we can try different um preservatives or whatever if it is supposed to hold longer, I was hoping we could create it fresh, to be drank in like 2-3 days. I would be glad if we could sell it like that. I guess we will have to try it out how long we can keep it refridgerated, maybe a week before turning sour, if we can stop the process of fermentation,, sterile filtration and microfiltration,used to inhibit further fermentation.

so this the thing, if you want it live, if you want the probiotics, you cannot stop that, This is where we get into this whole question, so it's really a timing issue, it's kinda tough. And then the alcohol testing,

In NJ you have to test the kombucha for Alcohol. And make sure it is not above a certain percentage, 0.5% and I guess you need a brewing license for that afterwards to make Hard Kombucha and you can only sell it under certain conditions. But I love drinking it, and I think it is very refreshing and if we have different juices to add to it, it's going to be great. Its more like something you can mix at restaurant with fresh fruit to make a super refreshing drink.

So that the story so far kids, not really an exciting podcast today, just giving you some updates from my life. But its ok. I was listening to the podcast index podcast with Adam Curry, and Dave. Dave was dropping some serious philosophy, about the suvivorship bias, because, just because we survived, we think we are right but we don't correctly attribute why we survived, and we falsly belive that we are right. And thats an interesting way to look at it I think. And then Adam was like "this is off topic" he did not say that directly, but he he was like we have to do this on a different podcast. So I thought that was not the best move, and at least for me, I enjoy exploring different ideas. And they also talk about how there are are too many podcasts, too many podcasters, so there is a certain competetion and an exclusionary attitude that wants to exclude total amatures like me, but its kinda like, I guess it is really the question of how long can I sustain this, how long can I go with nobody really listening to me. How long will I continue to talk? What I was trying to say that, how long can I can continue to talk with no body listening, what will sustain this podcast, how long can I sustain it on my own? There is the smell of pollen in the air, get a piece of pollen stuck in your throat, can be quite annoying.

So I really dont have anything else to say, Kids, dont have any content. Except I am not going to talk about REDACTED.

For editing the podcast I used audacity, noise reduction, compression, silence truncation.

2 STREs3e413 Usability of Mathmatics!
Stream of Random on NPR!

2.1 Listened to my own podcast.
Cut down 40 to 25 minutes. Removed Pauses, noise reduction. No more Sighs, Ums, So-A, Dogs barking, Car noises. No more recording near cars. Even inserted new recording. Did googling on Kombucha and Heath Department. And the clearing of the throat!

Carolyn Blaney of HogStory said listen to your own podcast, see what annoys you, but I did not follow that advice, because I thought that would cause brain damage.

We want to improve and we care about our product. We are giving our best. Not just crusing along. Are we Changing for other people and just giving in to peer pressure?

2.2 Listening to lex friedman #204

Is physics math? Scientists are philosophers and they look for things that are aethestically pleasing. And only beautiful things are considered to be true in science.

But why is the Monster true? It is not aethestically pleasing. I think it is safe to say if it is aethestically pleasing then it will be more adopted, it's more usable, its more attractive. (This reminds me of the survivorship bias)

What if the fundamental truths of the universe are ugly and nasty? If they are arbitraty and random.

2.3 What if I had to think about things before I said it.
2.4 Rock bottom
We hit rock bottom as a sign for change, you have to let people hit the bottom.

2.5 Idea for QR code
Take the QR code of the url of the website that I have been working on..

Embed that in the color scheme so it will display that QR code on the screen in the 3d points in such a way that it can be scanned and rotated. The reason why we need this QR code is so people can scan it and get to the website. I want to create some short video clips highlighting what this app can do. And I want to share it on different social media outlets, in such a way that is short, even a gif, or some short clips, stuff for people with low attention span.

This is the attention economy! And the landing page will grab you and slowly ramp up what's doing and have it play sounds, maybe even this clip right here:

Welcome to the stream of random 3d animiation math thingie!

Basically some audio that will play when the page loads!

2.6 Cottage Bakery NJ

The cottage kitchen law You can produce vinegar and mustard but not Kombucha.

2.7 What do we need to produce Kombucha
We only need a Sink, run a water line. Separate entrance door. Can a vinyl curtain work? Tiles. Sticky matts, Hepa filter. Start selling without bottling in a vat. 50 $ for three days at the farmers market.

Dont need a stove for Cold brew Kombucha!

2.8 Alcohol importing business
Illegal to have a distillery or parts of a still. Everyhing is regulated.

2.9 Short episode
Free flow, we are still going to have randomness. I

2.10 Galileo experiement's_Leaning_Tower_of_Pisa_experiment

2.11 Tree fell on neighbors house.
2.12 Catching catfish with a limb line

2.13 Viral video with threed stuff
What is the message?

Mathmatical progression where the number of dots will change with a mathematical function. Like a lineral growth. Also with the rotation I thought it would be cool if we could have a wobble. So instead of having it just rotate on x which flips around all the time. So we could have it rotate one way and then the other way. I guess we need an iterator, or we could go from postive to negative every time. So some rules based on the last value.

We need to know what direction it is going to. I am wondering what type of mathematical identity I am going to use. How much information I am going to to have to store to do that. I need some kind of state.

2.14 Miss our talk.
2.15 Viral video
2.15.1 Have enought random recordings
2.15.2 If I was famous
2.16 Question of rotation
Choose a different Axis? Rotate on Z, spins on screen.

How to create a spiral, the placement of the points relative to zero, have the points going in a spiral. Leave out a bunch of points. Create a sin wave function that places the points. Instead of a matrix or grid, we have a 3d plot or 4d over time. We waant to plug in differnt functions

Symmetries or strings.

2.17 cost of post production
Going to transcribe. Be careful what I am going to say. A whole new dimension.

What is the cost going to be to edit this. Found a shovel in the garbage and hid it in the bushes.

2.18 Pendulum
Back and forth. What if store the motion, not just the rotation. We have a mass or size. What if I store the velocity or energy of the particle in a array. so that for every point I also store its velocity as a vector x,y,z what direction it's moving in.

String theory has 10 dimension.

2.19 Internal vs External thoughts
Layers and Boundries, Hoops. Refine and filter and extract ideas and thoughts. Target audience. Spore, free of its originator. Neurons grow like myclium. Symbiote in the brain. Mitochondria.

2.20 Transcription
Just the GIST!

Word limit on anchor.

2.21 Furniture
2.22 Wrap up.
Process improving quality.

2.23 Cambodian developer wants 6k USD per month.
2.24 Describe what you want to do
Be a better manager, overspecification. Too much information, DOD specs. Not very usable. Specification should be usable. Most important things kept in short term memory. Memorbility ideas applied to specification.

2.25 Math is not usable
3 STREs3e414
3.1 NPR's Stream of Random brought to you by Pfizer
3.2 Random Thoughts
3.2.1 Science center

3.2.2 Tornado

3.2.3 Names :
Grandma Baby-Momma Bro Bro Baby Daddy We the symbiotic colony of bateria and fungus and human called mike.

3.3 Production Notes
3.3.1 Editing notes
Footsteps, sighs,

3.3.2 Types of content
Incidental or random
Thought that reflects upon what is happening around the walker

Production Thoughts
process of producing the show

Topical thoughts
Thoughts on a topic

3.3.3 Lamenting not being famous
3.3.4 Reordering of the clips
3.3.5 QR codes
A two-dimensional barcode

3.3.6 Editing notes
Going to stop talking if there is lots of noise. Make it easier on the editor. We are not just the host, producer, the audience and the editor. Befreiung, Liberation of being able to take a break.

3.4 Topical Notes
3.4.1 Alerts on phones are like mind control

Wireless Emergency Alerts

3.4.2 Screaming youtubers

Dont let the kids use computers

3.4.3 Absnasixpack

David Icke on episode 65

3.4.4 Yeast living in the body Mahmoud Ghannoum

3.4.5 Leaky Gut and Fungus

3.4.6 SCOBY

3.4.7 Mushroom Revival Channel

Marine Fungi

3.4.8 Enjoy the slience
Depeche Mode

3.5 Obese children police in AU.
Parents of obese children who are observed to be gaining “massive” amounts of weight and seen eating pizza and potato cakes at recess face being reported to child protection authorities by teachers

4 STREs3e415 NPR Stream
4.1 Personal Life
4.2 Process of Podcasting
4.3 Random events
4.3.1 1999 Zenith TV
4.4 Topics
4.4.1 Kombucha
Commissary Kitchens
The kitchen door list of Kitchens you can rent Kombucha Brewery Tour on youtube

Texas does not allow Kombucha Texas does not allow cottage Kombucha Michigan does not allow fermented foods as Cottage foods

Vinegar and Kombucha are Similar

Second Fermentation
Second Fermentation blog a Second Fermentation blog b Second Fermentation Blog c

Does Booch need to be kept cold?

Biology of Kombucha
pubmed article on the bio of booch

Biology of Kombucha

Acetobacter (acetic acid bacteria)
Acetobacter xylinum "sometimes in symbiosis with plants such as sugarcane or coffe plants"

acetobacter ketogenum

Brettanomyces bruxellensis[[][
Brettanomyces bruxellensis]] European beer yeast

Candida stellata
Yeast Candida stellata

Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Schizosaccharomyces pombe yeast Fission Yeast

saccharomyces produce alcohol.

2. Jayabalan, R., Malini, K., Sathishkumar, M., Swaminathan, K., & Yun, S. E. (2010). Biochemical characteristics of tea fungus produced during kombucha fermentation. Food Science and Biotechnology, 19(3), 843-847.

Torulaspora delbrueckii
Yeast Torulaspora delbrueckii

Zygosaccharomyces bailii.
Zygosaccharomyces bailii fungi

Other bacteria


Gluconacetobacter kombuchae
Gluconacetobacter Kombuchae

4.4.2 Math
Visualizing basic math learning tasks with a 3d tool.

4.4.3 Computing
3d visualization
Travelling salesman Problem

4.4.4 Mind
Ego getting in the way of progress

4.4.5 Life
Games are addictive

Playing the game of life 1980 board game

Life is relative

4.4.6 Science
4.4.7 Fungus
4.4.8 Podcasting

4.4.9 Pokemon
Pokestops maps Distance Decrease

Talking Sopranos Podcast
Talking Sopranos Podcast

5 STREs3e416
5.1 Personal Life
2021 Mercer County 4‑H Fair

4h robots

Steam powered ice cream maker

Howell Farm

Amish ˈɑːmɪʃ
Pronouced with a long a (a as in father)

Amish use steam engines

5.2 Process of Podcasting

Emacs Org Mode


5.3 Topics
GMP Quality
Pharmacopoeia set out standards for testing ingredients based on science.

"Quality cannot be tested into products; i.e. quality should be built in by design"

5.3.1 Math
Theory of random numbers
PI does not contain the universe

Inforamation theory

What is a complex system?
Complex Systems in a Nutshel

Podcast Episode

What is a complex system? James Ladyman, James Lambert & Karoline Wiesner

Goverment is a complex system

Game of Life Conway

Plant Intelligence: What the Plants are Telling Us Dennis McKennaúsicayChamanismo

5.3.2 Fungus
Jim Hoorman - Enhancing Mycorrhizae And Metarhizium Fungus

Mycorrhizal Networks
“Application of Network Theory to Potential Mycorrhizal Networks | SpringerLink.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “ECOLOGY OF MYCORRHIZAE: A Conceptual Framework for Complex Interactions Among Plants and Fungi | Annual Review of Phytopathology.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Ecology of Mycorrhizae: A Conceptual Framework for Complex Interactions among Plants and Fungi - PubMed.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Emergent Properties Arising from Spatial Heterogeneity Influence Fungal Community Dynamics - ScienceDirect.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Full Article: Extended Cognition in Plants: Is It Possible?” Accessed August 1, 2021. Haas, Lynda. “Reprints Available Directly from the Publisher Photocopying Permitted by License Only.” Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies 17, no. 1 (January 1995): 1–6. “Hyphal and Mycelial Consciousness: The Concept of the Fungal Mind - ScienceDirect.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Mycorrhizal Networks: A Review of Their Extent, Function, and Importance.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Mycorrhizal Networks Facilitate Tree Communication, Learning, and Memory | SpringerLink.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Mycorrhizal Networks: Mechanisms, Ecology and Modelling - ScienceDirect.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Mycorrhizas: Dynamic and Complex Networks of Power and Influence - Bender - 2014 - New Phytologist - Wiley Online Library.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Mycorrhizosphere Complexity - ScienceDirect.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Networks of Communication : Defense-Related Signal Transfer between Tree Seedlings via Mycorrhizal Networks and an Educational Mycorrhizal-Focused Video Game - UBC Library Open Collections.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “[PDF] Ecology of Mycorrhizae: A Conceptual Framework for Complex Interactions among Plants and Fungi. | Semantic Scholar.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Temporal Tracking of Quantum-Dot Apatite across in Vitro Mycorrhizal Networks Shows How Host Demand Can Influence Fungal Nutrient Transfer Strategies | The ISME Journal.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “The Foundations of Plant Intelligence | Interface Focus.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Topology of Tree–Mycorrhizal Fungus Interaction Networks in Xeric and Mesic Douglas‐fir Forests - Beiler - 2015 - Journal of Ecology - Wiley Online Library.” Accessed August 1, 2021. “Viewing Forests through the Lens of Complex Systems Science - Filotas - 2014 - Ecosphere - Wiley Online Library.” Accessed August 1, 2021.

Created: 2021-08-02 Mon 19:09

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