Angela Stanton King Joins - A Neighbor's Choice LIVE 8-2-21

2 years ago

David Gornoski opens the episode by highlighting how the president of Mexico is more concerned about his countrymen than our own government, especially with regards to domination by Big Pharma. Why aren't we listening to the renowned scientists who are saying that rolling out a vaccine during a pandemic is not wise? How would the corporate press react once people stop consuming vegetable oils? Is the demand for lockdowns driven by concern or is it driven by envy?

Also in the show, Angela Stanton King calls in to talk about her new book "Caught in the Coup;" President Trump's First Step Act; Biden's silence on criminal justice reform; election shenanigans and human trafficking at the border; the globalist attack on children; and more. What are the vaccines doing to children's hearts and why aren't we outraged? What does the Obamas' Martha Vineyard bash reveal about the political establishment? Watch the full episode to find out.

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