“Experts” Claim 80% or More of Aussies Must Cuck to Taking COVID Gene Therapy for Lockdowns to End

2 years ago

It seems like every week, at least for over the last month or so, I’ve been covering how Aussies are either cucking to authority or are expected to cuck to it. This week is no different. The supposed “experts” at the Grattan Institute, a think tank in Australia, are pushing the idea that at least 80% of Australians must be vaccinated before the lockdowns can end. They are even going so far as stating those who the vaccines are causing complications with and are not protecting from COVID, namely the elderly and immuno-compromised, need to be vaccinated at a rate of 95%. When that is the case, it sounds like they want those people dead and buried because of supposedly being a burden on society.

In this video we take a look at this lunacy those in power and the supposed experts are trying to subject Australians to.

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