Labrador Retriever is not only a hunter but also a leader

2 years ago

Labrador Retriever is a breed of dog. Originally bred as a hunting gun dog. Labradors are used for hunting, as guide dogs, rescue dogs, but mainly as companions. The breed originates on the island of Newfoundland on the east coast of Canada.
With a good character, very agile. Hyperactive if done properly. Excellent flair, soft grip (soft mouth) that allows you not to wrinkle the bird when serving, passion for water. A good and passionate hunter. An adaptable, dedicated companion. Smart, shrewd and obedient, affectionate, a true friend. Kind by nature, without a trace of aggression or excessive shyness. In many countries (England, Finland, Sweden), in order to obtain the title of champion in exterior, it is necessary to pass a test for compliance with the standard in terms of behavior and psyche - working tests. The Labrador is a hunting dog that, due to its unique qualities, can be used as a companion, guide, rescuer and to search for explosives and drugs.

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