Amsterdam Walk for Freedom. August 1, 2021 - 🇺🇸 English subs - 1h02m52s

3 years ago

- 🇺🇸 English (Engels) - Video registration by 247FM of the 'demonstration' Walk for Freedom, held in Amsterdam on August 1, 2021.

Demonstration between brackets, otherwise the police and the Mobile Unit would attack, beat and arrest the people. This was the first demo without (major) incidents...

Welcome to today's Netherlands.


🇳🇱 Nederlands (Dutch) - Videoregistratie door 247FM van de 'demonstratie' Walk for Freedom, gehouden in Amsterdam op 1 augustus 2021.

Demonstratie tussen haakjes, anders zouden de politie en de Mobiele Eenheid de mensen aanvallen, slaan en arresteren. Dit was de eerste demo zonder (grote) incidenten...

Welkom in het huidige Nederland.

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