CNN Now Comparing Trump & Supporters To Jim Jones Jonestown Cult

3 years ago

Brian Stelter: Especially in the light of January 6th and the mass delusion that led people to a riot of lies on Capitol Hill. When I brought this up with her, she did not mince words.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA): There's no question that you could compare Jim Jones as a charismatic leader who would bring his congregation together, force them to do things that were illegal and then took 900 of them into the jungles of Guyana where over the course of time he then convinced them that they should die. I've never been able to say they committed suicide because I don't think they were in control of their faculties to be quite honest with you. So you look at Donald Trump. Charismatic leader who was able to continue to talk in terms that appealed to those that are disaffected, disillusioned and who were looking for something. Much like those who became part of Jim Jones congregation The People's Temple. They were lost souls. And the only difference between Jim Jones and Donald Trump is the fact that we now have social media. So all these people can find themselves in ways that they couldn't find themselves before. So he basically was a merchant of deceit. Both of them, merchants of deceit. Both of them making people not look at facts, not thinking independently.

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