Dating advice for men

2 years ago

This is a video for single guys. I have dating and relationship advice to share

Yes me.

I’ve been learning a lot over the last few years and showing up as your best has to be the key bit of advice

Get good at being your best. Become aware of what is going on in your life and then work on those areas

Try to imagine or find out what the other person would want in a partner. Then rank yourself on those points too

We have to accept that we are not going to be the best at everything, however you can always work on being as best as you can be and willing to change if it’s needed and more importantly if you want to

You will meet certain people in your life at certain times and not always are they going to be ready for anything more. This is normal, and it’s important to know this. If you also know you are continuing to work and better yourself, you will start to notice how you can let go of the disappointment more and know it’s them not you

People are attracted to doers and if they are not ready now and you really like them, keep turning up as your best self and if they are the right person for you, they will be noticing what you are doing. If not, know that someone else will come round

Patience is key.

A good question to ask yourself is, would you go out with yourself right now. What parts do you not like about yourself? How would you improve this?

What do you see as important in a relationship? List out everything. Now, rank yourself on each of these points

It’s very easy to want something from others, but for you to attract that, you need to be working on it yourself

I share a few points that I have become aware of and that have impacted me

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