What’s Coming Out of My Mouth?

3 years ago

What’s Coming Out of My Mouth?

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Isaiah 59:21, Joshua 1:8

How did Joshua tell us to be successful?
Speak God’s Word, Meditate on God’s Word, Observe, or act it out.
Isaiah tells us God put His Words in our mouth.

Notices in scripture how many times the Bible tells us to speak out loud the Word of God?

To speak truth? To Praise out loud? To Sing out loud? Declare His Works.
Ephesians 5:18 “… speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”
Psa.100:1 “Make a joyful noise…”
Joel 3:10 “…Let the weak say, 'I am strong.’ ”
Isa.61:3 “…The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness…”
Study how many times the Bible says to “declare - out loud.”

The enemy can’t read my mind, but he can read my body language, and he hears what is coming out of my mouth.

I believe God set me up to be able to change the atmosphere around me by what I say – out loud - with my mouth.

His Word changes the atmosphere around me and in my heart as well.

Jude 1:20 build yourself up – Paul said to “stir up your gift. 2Tim.1:6
Sometimes it’s hard to walk in faith because all our physical senses we have relied on our whole life are telling us something else.

Most of the time, in my gut, I feel opposite of what God says is true.
When I don’t feel special – God says “You are my favorite.”
When I feel rejected – God says “I chose you.”
When I feel alone - God says “I am with you.”

Which one of us is right? God is! So what am I going to do about this?
I believe I need to be pro-active in creating atmosphere.
Out of my mouth – OUT LOUD – I say what God says.

Do you realize that you hear everything you say?

There is something incredible about our ears.

When you study the senses, you find that each eye covers half of the brain.
The nose is the same – the right nostril covers the left hemisphere, the left nostril covers the right hemisphere.

Same with the tongue – it is divided. Same with our hands.
But not the ears. Each ear covers the entire brain all by itself.
So when we hear something, we hear it with twice the power.

In learning, when I am reward for an action, I am more likely to do it again.
And if the reward comes 1/5 of a second after the action, the reinforcement is the highest.

Guess how soon you hear what you say after it’s said. 1/5 of a second.

Medical science has proven that our physical bodies respond to what you say.

In psychology the study of “Operate Conditioning” tells us if I do something, and I’m rewarded, I am more likely to do it again. The opposite is true.
If I sit here and say, “I can’t do it…, it’s too hard… I’m stupid, etc
We are speaking a lie, but it reinforces that lie in my mind.

But when I am going through an impossible situation, and I speak truth (Phil.4:13) I am feeding my person in two ways. Positive reinforcement to my body, and spiritual reinforcement to me and the atmosphere.

I may not “FEEL” like saying it, so I use this principle:
“Don’t say it when you feel like it, say it until you feel like it.”

It is hard to say something you don’t feel. If I feel like scum, it’s hard to say, “I’m beautiful.” If you feel week, it’s hard to say, “I am strong.”

But we don’t use our feelings as a source of Truth.
Too many of us use our emotions as a baseline for truth.

I WILL declare out loud what God says is true in the face of EVERY NEGATIVE LIE the enemy wants to re-enforce in me.

It may not “feel” like speaking is a very big action, but Neurologists say different.
It takes 90% of our brain to say one word.
It only takes 10% to do jumping jacks.
Jumping up and down looks harder, but saying one word is 9 times more powerful.

Ps 107:1-2 “ Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,…”

Ps 141:2-4 “May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips. Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil…”

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