Baby Naps | Get Your Baby To Sleep While Out & About...

2 years ago

Baby Naps | Get Your Baby To Sleep While Out & About...
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Baby Naps on the go…Is it possible?? 🤷‍♂️

This is something I get asked ALL the time. How do you get a baby to nap well whilst you're out & about?

Well to be honest - YOU DON’T! 😜

After 3 months of age, most babies will find it difficult to nap on the go and won’t sleep for long periods of time whilst out. Does this mean you have to stay at home for EVERY nap?? “NO” defiantly not!!

Longer naps typically happen at home in the cot, but it can also whilst out and about too!! 🙌

What if:
🔹️You have older children and you need to do kindy/school drop off, pick up
🔹️You have an appointment you can’t reschedule
🔹️You are catching up with friends
🔹️Or you just decided to walk around Kmart!

This is life..... Sometimes baby naps are on the go.

If you know naps will be on the go, here are a few tips:
🔹️In the Pram: Don’t lay your baby down too early. Timing is everything. Only lay your little one down 5-10 minutes before “nap time”
1. Recline the pram, pull the hood down and use a breathable cover to cover the front of the pram - (this will reduce light and stimulation.)
2. Pop the white noise on
3. Give them the comforter and WALK!
4. If you try doing this too early (laying them down) you will blow your chance on getting them to sleep on the go.

🔹️If your baby does nap in the car - keep driving or pull up and catch up on some social media, as this will be your best chance in sneaking in a long nap.

🔹️Don’t expect your baby to transfer from car seat to cot. If it happens - Great! but it’s not expected once babies get past 5-6 months of age. 🙈

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